abbr.下午(Post Meridiem,等于afternoon); 调相(Phase Modulation); (=prime minister)总理,首相; [化](=promethium)
1. PM是什么意思
1. 调相:曼彻斯特( Manchester) 脉波振幅调变(PAM) 调相( PM) 相位移转键式调变( PSK). (1) 861 下列何者为数位资料转换成数位讯号的技术? 曼彻斯特( Manchester) 脉波振幅调变(PAM) 调相( PM) 相位移转键式调变( PSK).
2. 下午:免持通话(VOX耳机支持/IVOX内置免持无线应用) .频道扫描功能,可做同频监听手表显时功能.12小时制式上午(AM)/下午(PM)时间显示.背光显示.使用锂离子电池(3.7V).自由对讲,
3. 钷:稀土冶炼工是有毒有害工种吗 稀土就是化学元素周期表中镧系元素--镧(La)、铈(Ce)、镨(Pr)、钕(Nd)、钷(Pm)、钐(Sm)、铕(Eu)、钆(Gd)、铽(Tb)、镝(Dy)、钬(Ho)、铒(Er)、铥(Tm)、镱(Yb)、镥(Lu),以及与镧系的15个元素密切相关的两个元素--钪(Sc)和钇(Y)共17种元素,
4. pm:projet management; 项目管理
5. pm:permanent-magnetic material; 永磁材料
6. pm:permanet magnet; 永磁
7. pm:phase-modulation; 相位调制
1. By 12 pm the dimly lit square had been turned into a camping ground.
2. Instead, someone had broken into the cart to steal the PM's cache of whisky.
3. The station had just helped restore power to a neighbouring village on September 2 when it received a call at 8 pm about another outage.
4. Almost 30 patients waiting in line with Feng at 1 pm on Wednesday had called the hotline and were served in a matter of minutes.
5. Thousands of people cast their ballots at a voting center set up on a village school campus on 9 am and 3 pm Saturday.
6. The snow had delayed 22 flights at Beijing Capital International Airport as of 6 pm on Wednesday.
7. The capital Beijing reported three new cases from 6 pm Monday to 6 pm Tuesday, the Ministry of Health said in a statement.
8. Police found the body of Tang Wenfeng at 4 pm on Friday local time in his car in Toronto.
9. As of 4 pm Saturday, over 240 tips had been poured in by citizens and the case remained under investigation.
10. China Central Television carried five hours of live broadcast from 1 pm.