名词摘录; 节录; 摘要; 引用
及物动词摘录; 摘要; 引用; 节要
不及物动词摘录; 引用
1. Several newspapers published excerpts from the book.
1. 摘录:任务进入错误状态并宣告失败.他通知Ant引擎此次失败通过抛出一个包含错误消息和一个位置(Location)对象(使用getLocation()方法来提取)的BuildException.实现:(从Cvs.java源码中摘录(excerpt)出来)消息在下面的五种级别上显示,
2. 摘要:dPress 默认的情况是把在撰写日志的时候添加摘要(excerpt)作为description而把添加的标签(tag)作为keywords,但是大部分的人通常只添加keywords而很少会在发表日志的时候添加摘要(excerpt)这样一来很多页面就不会有description,
3. 节录:详细记录屏幕显示来自记录表的一个记录的全部内容,检索词会图亮显示,用WorldCat数据库检索时,有的记录除显示详细记录外还可显示目次表(Table of Contents)节录(Excerpt)和其他信息(More Info.).
4. 摘录,选择:excavator 挖匙,剜器 | excerpt 摘录,选择 | exchange key 交换键
The noun is pronounced /'eksɜːpt/. The verb is pronounced /ek'sɜːpt/. 名词读作 /'eksɜːpt/,动词读作 /ek'sɜːpt/。
1. 摘录;节选;选段
An excerpt is a short piece of writing or music which is taken from a larger piece.
e.g. ...an excerpt from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker.
2. 摘录;节选
If a long piece of writing or music is excerpted, short pieces from it are printed or played on their own.
e.g. The readings you heard earlier were excerpted from a new oral history of Pearl Harbor.